Herbal Remedies

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Shilajit Benefits And Uses That Make It So Popular

Shilajit meaning 'stone born' is a commonly used herbal ingredient in ayurvedic medicines. Abundance of essential minerals present in Shilajit makes it a perfect cure for various diseases. This herbal medicine found in Himalayan Mountains is now commonly available in market in capsule forms. Let's see in detail some among the top health benefits of consuming Shilajit.

Preventing arthritis problems is an important health benefit of Shilajit. Shilajit is well known for anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties. Regular intake of Shilajit helps in relieving joint inflammation and pain. Efficiency of Shilajit in curing inflammations due to osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is really remarkable. Preventing aging impact is another important health benefit of using Shilajit capsules. It prevents the action of free radical mechanism and delays aging process. Preventing anemia is one among the main advantages of using Shilajit. Shilajit, enriched with fulvic acid improves the bio availability of iron.

Improving the functioning of kidney is a main health benefit of consuming Shilajit extracts. Patients suffering from health risks like incontinence, enlarged prostate and kidney stones are advised to intake Shilajit capsules twice per day. Shilajit is found to be as a safe remedy for flushing out kidney stones from body. Due to high therapeutic properties, Shilajit is commonly used as a safe herbal anti-aging remedy for benign pro-static hypertrophy. Increasing lovemaking drive is another important health benefit of Shilajit. It is well known for aphrodisiac property and can be described as a safe libido enhancer.

Maintaining blood cholesterol level is an important health benefit of consuming Shilajit. Daily intake of Shilajit capsule is found to be very effective for lowering serum cholesterol, liver cholesterol, serum triglycerides and serum phospholipids. It also helps in curing obesity and promoting weight loss. Consuming Shilajit capsules with milk removes extra fat and makes you healthy. Improving the functioning of nervous system is another advantage of consuming Shilajit extract. It is a widely recommended herbal remedy for paralysis, hemiplegia, depression, mental stress and anxiety. Shilajit acts as an excellent rejuvenator and helps in improving the overall functioning of body.

Anti asthmatic property is another health benefit of Shilajit. Today, it is a well recommended herbal remedy for patients suffering from asthma problems. It improves the functioning of reproductive organs and improves the quality of life in asthma patients. Maintaining blood sugar level is another health benefit of Shilajit. Shilajit ES is one of the widely used herbal energy supplements with multiple health benefits. It is a non-prescription herbal remedy for curing a number of health problems.

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